Class Mapping

Instances of any class can be mapped to the file system. For these examples, a Student class will be used:

class Student:
    def __init__(self, name, school, number, year=2009): = name = school
        self.number = number
        self.year = year
        self.gpa = 0.0

To map instances of this class to files, apply the yorm.sync() decorator to that class' definition:

import yorm

class Student:

Attribute Selection

To control which attributes should be included in the mapping, apply one or more yorm.attr() decorators specifying the attribute type:

import yorm
from yorm.types import String, Integer, Float

@yorm.attr(name=String, year=Integer, gpa=Float)
class Student:

ORM Methods

If you would like your class and its instances to behave more like a traditional object-relational mapping (ORM) model, use the provided mixin class:

import yorm

class Student(yorm.ModelMixin):

which will add the following class methods:

  • new - object factory
  • find - return a single matching object
  • match - return all matching objects

and instance methods:

  • load - update the object from its file
  • save - update the file from its object
  • delete - delete the object's file